• On the login page of the portal, click on “Forgot Password”.
• Enter you Portal ID number or your email address registered on the Portal
• The page refreshes with a message “Success! Your login details have been sent to the email address: e.g. “youremail@loveworld360.com”
• Check your email for your login details and new password
• Your Portal ID is the set of numbers displayed below the barcode of your Staff ID card.
• Use the “Forgot Password” feature on the login page of the Portal.
• Type in your email address registered on the Portal.
• Your Portal ID will be sent along with your new password to the email address.
• The Portal's URL is www.blwstaffportal.org
• On the login page, input your unique Portal ID and password.
• A page will pop up, prompting you to fill in your profile details.
• Fill in accurately every compulsory field.
• Click on Save.
• Your Portal page is now active.
• If after logging in, you see pending MSNC, please bring it to the attention of your HR/Admin Manager.
• Alternatively, send a mail to staffportal@blwinc.org to make a formal complaint.
• If your account has been disabled on the Staff Portal, please bring it to the attention of your HR/Admin Manager.
• Alternatively, send a mail to staffportal@blwinc.org to make a formal complaint.
• Log on to the Portal
• Click on “My Profile”
• Scroll to “Edit Profile” and Click
• On profile page, scroll down to “Marital Status”
• Click on drop down arrow, select the appropriate option.
• Scroll down and click on save.
• Click on “My Profile”
• The rank feature is not editable by staff.
• Click on "Feedback" and type in the issue with the correct spelling of your name and Submit.
• Your HR/Admin and any other relevant office will be contacted.
• You will be notified via your mailbox if a change is effected or if the rank on your profile is actually correct.
i. The staff should send a mail to theohoa@blwinc.org notifying the Office of the Head of Administration of the change of name.
ii. The staff should also attach a scanned copy of the marriage certificate authenticated under the Marriage Act.
iii. The Staff should attach a scanned copy of the page containing the Change of Name published in a widely read National Newspaper.
i. The staff should send a mail to theohoa@blwinc.org notifying the Office of the Head of Administration of the change of name.
ii. The Staff should also attach a scanned copy of an Affidavit sworn at a High Court on the Change of Name for sighting.
iii. The Staff should attach a scanned copy of the page containing the Change of Name published in a widely read National Newspaper.